“Puddles is the only one that really understands me.”

The headline is my favorite entry so far in the ongoing caption contest for this photograph of myself as Cthulhu for Halloween 2009. That photograph was taken by my dear friend Christie Clark, and that is her late, lamented, lovely, little Llhasa-dog Allie in my lap. R.I.P.

Had some good use of the Cthulhu mask, too, during the MAKE online editorial team conference call on Wednesday. Pro tip for Google+ hangouts: You don’t have to point the camera at your head. When this screenshot was taken, the mask was fit over a big plastic jug with a couple of rocks in the bottom for weight, sitting on the desk beside my computer.

I actually have no costume for this year, and since Halloween is on a Monday night I will probably not be doing too much except handing out candy to the neighborhood kiddos. But the caption contest has inspired me to at least sponge Cthulhu off for that purpose. Perhaps there will be more photos to come.